Senate Reports, Minutes, and Publications, 2004-05
- Senators, 2004-2005
- Senate Officers, 2004-2005
- Senate Committees, 2004-2005
- Caucus Chairs, 2004-2005
Minutes, Senate Meetings
- September 20, 2004
- October 18, 2004
- November 15, 2004
- February 7, 2005
- March 7, 2005
- April 4, 2005
- May 2, 2005
The Office of Information Technology archives their webcasts of many Faculty Senate meetings.
To view a directory of the archives, click here.
Minutes, Executive Committee Meetings
- August 30, 2004
- October 4, 2004
- November 1, 2004
- January 10, 2005
- February 21, 2005
- March 14, 2005
- April 18, 2005
Committee & Taskforce Minutes
- Athletics Minutes 04-05
- Budget Minutes
- Faculty Affairs 04-05
- Faculty/Staff Benefits Committee 04-05
- Graduate Council Minutes 04-05
- Information Technology Advisory Committee Minutes
- Library Committee Minutes 04-05
- Professional Development Committee meeting
- Student Affairs Minutes 04-05
- UG Council Minutes 04-05
- Wage Study Task Force
Recent Senate Resolutions
- Resolution concerning Weekday Football Games
- Resolution concerning Tobacco Smoking
- Resolution concerning the Patriot Act
- Resolution on Administrative Salaries 10-18-04
- Resolution on Campus Autonomy, 4-5-04
- Resolution concerning Non-discrimination and Sexual Orientation, 10-20-03
- Resolution concerning Presidential Searches, 8-19-03
- Resolution on Governance and Academic Freedom
Reports and Documents
- Neyland Renovations 04
- Guide to Caucus Chairs
- Guide to Chairs of Senate Committees
- Getting College and Division Caucuses Started
- General Education–Overview
- General Education Proposal, 9-9-03
- Senate Scorecard, 2003
- Faculty Nominees To Serve on Presidential Search Committees
- Presidential Search Process, Approved by the Board of Trustees
- Faculty Development Leave Policy
- Teaching Council Report on SAIS, 10-29-03
- On Student Evaluations of Teaching, from Academe Sept.-Oct. 2003
- Communication Survey Results
- Program Review and Redirection Resources
- Development and Alumni Committee Goals, 2003-04
- Professional Development Committee Report, 1-12-04
- Faculty Salary Data Report, 2003-04
- Faculty Salary Data Report, 2004-05
- Department Heads Evaluation Form (pilot)
- Bylaws Changes, for consideration 4-5-04
- Draft of Proposed Graduate Council Bylaws, to be considered 4-22-04
- Professional Development Support at UT, 4-18-04
- Wage Study Task Force Working Goals
- Wage Study Task Force Interim Report, July 2005
- Final Committee Reports
- Caucus Chairs
- Presidential Addresses, 2003-2004