The UTK Faculty Senate is a charter member of Tennessee University Faculty Senates (TUFS), an organization whose goals are to increase communication among faculty senates at the state’s universities and provide faculty an opportunity to speak with a united voice on issues of importance at the state level.
TUFS Resolution on Guns on Campus
TUFS has passed a resolution opposing firearms on university campuses in the state.
Read the text of the resolution here.
Read the press release about the resolution here.
An article in the Jan. 20, 2017 Tennessean about the TUFS resolution.
TUFS Executive Committee
Dr. Sandi Smith-Andrews (Tennessee Technological University), President
Dr. Somaditya Banerjee (Austin Peay State University), President-Elect
Dr. Misty Anderson (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Immediate Past President
Dr. Jamie Harvey (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga), Secretary
UTK TUFS Voting Representative
Dr. Michelle Violanti, Associate Professor
School of Communication Studies
293 Communication and Information Building
The TUFS website can be found here.