Senate documents from other academic years are available in the archives. All documents on this page in pdf format, except where noted.
Faculty Senate Retreat
Presentations at Faculty Senate Retreat
PowerPoint from Provost Susan Martin
PowerPoint from Vice Chancellor Rickey Hall
Agendas of Faculty Senate Meetings
- International SOS Slides
- Resolution on Romantic Relationships
- Romantic Relationships Comparison of New to Old Statement
- Senate Bill 1608
- Sex Week Packet
- Resolution on Universal Sick and Bereavement Leave Policies
- Addendum for Resolution on Universal Sick and Bereavement Leave Policies
- Family Leave Policy Resolution (Approved at April 7, 2014, Senate meeting)
- Resolution for Tuition Assistance Benefit Equity
- Resolution on Student Activity Fees
- New Compliance Software Implementation
- Resolution for Past Senate Parliamentarian Becky Jacobs
- Resolution for Past Senate Secretary Fritz Polite
- Resolution on Academic Freedom and Shared Governance
- Research Council Bylaws Revision
- President-Elect Statement from JoAnne Deeken
- President-Elect Statement from Bruce MacLennan
- UFC Faculty Representative Statement from Steve Thomas
- UFC Faculty Representative Statement from Candace White
- Student Body President, Senate By-Laws amendment
Agendas of Faculty Senate Executive Council Meetings
September 3, 2013
October 7, 2013 (REVISED 10/4/13)
- Attachment 1: Draft Proposal for Retention Review
- Attachment 2: Romantic Relationships Comparison of New to Old Statement
- Attachment 3: Faculty Senate Resolution on Romantic Relationships
- Attachment 4: Responsible Investment (student committee)
- Attachment 1: Divestment Letter
- Attachment 2: Letter on Responsible Investment
- Attachment 1: Resolution on Academic Freedom and Shared Governance
- Attachment 2: Resolution on Universal Sick and Bereavement Leave Policies
- Attachment 3: Addendum for Resolution on Universal Sick and Bereavement Leave Policies
- Attachment 1: Resolution on Academic Freedom and Shared Governance
- Attachment 2: Bylaws Changes, RE: Research Council
Minutes, Senate Meetings
- September 16, 2013
- October 21, 2013
- November 18, 2013
- February 3, 2014
- March 3, 2014
- April 7, 2014
- May 5, 2014
Minutes, Executive Council Meetings
- September 3, 2013
- October 7, 2013
- November 4, 2013
- January 21, 2014
- February 17, 2014
- March 24, 2014
- April 23, 2014
Senate Newsletters
Minutes, Graduate Council
Minutes, Undergraduate Council
Minutes, Athletics Committee
Minutes, Faculty Affairs Committee
- September 6, 2013
- September 26, 2013
- October 28, 2013
- December 9, 2013
- January 16, 2014
- February 10, 2014
- April 14, 2014
Minutes, Library & Information Technology Committee
PowerPoint Presentation from Joel Reeves
UTK Libraries PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation from Joel Reeves
Minutes, Non-Tenure-Track Issues Committee
Minutes, Research Council
Letter to Chancellor Cheek from Senate Presidents